IEPM (Improving Expertise through a European Participatory Model)

Aims and objectives
IEPM Project was designed to encourage social partners and institutions to increase their expertise in the field of industrial relations and to assist and work together to promote a stronger social dialogue throughout the EU

Design | Management of actions | Networking | Associate Partner

Confartigianato Imprese Roma – IT (Lead Partner), Bsw (Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft) – DE, Nasmb (National Association of Small and Medium Business) – BG, Confederation of autonomous trade unions of the city of Sombor – RS, Bcm (Business Confederation of Macedonia) – MK, Krasme (Kaunas Region Association of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs) – LT, Cfat (Comhlacht Forbartha an Tearmainn) – IE. Associate partners: Provincial Secretariat For Economy, Employment and Gender Quality of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina – RS, ECRU – IT

DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue – VP/2013/001