Language and new citizenships/Lingua e nuove cittadinanze | AMIF – Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2014-2020
Encourage the integration and social inclusion of non-EU migrants, through training in civic and socio-working languages thanks to proximity devices, thus facilitating access and information in connection with the offer of the network of schools and other territorial institutions.
Partnership: CReA Association (leader); CPIA 8 Frosinone; Municipality of Fiuggi; Municipality of San Giorgio a Liri; Municipality of Aquino; Synergasia social cooperative; Calcutta voluntary association; ECRU
ECRU: Work Path (Linguistic and citizenship paths): language training with sector micro-language interventions, related to work needs and language training courses level A2-B1 to increase the knowledge of the Italian language or to reach the middle school license; Interventions to facilitate access to the educational offer. Capillary actions of territorial diffusion of information on training opportunities with outreaching actions conducted by operators and intercultural mediators